We are now at a point where we’ve got much more access to information than ever, but we seem to be getting sicker and sicker. It’s easy to ignore these things when we’re younger. You may have an older relative who has spent a few years looking at their phone and is now experiencing postural problems because they’ve been staring down for 20 years. While tech neck is something we don’t experience until we’ve been using our phones for years, we should let this be a lesson that we need to develop a certain baseline level of health so we can function far more effectively as we get older. What does it take to get to a certain baseline level of health?
Get the Basics Right
If you don’t have the basics in check, you can be running the risk of the most common ailments as you get older. A great example is brushing our teeth. While a family dentist can help you to get your technique down, it is ultimately something that is more representative of the fact that younger people don’t get the basics right due to that “we’re young so we don’t have to worry about it yet” attitude. It’s far better for us to get the basics right so we don’t have to worry about these things later on. If you’ve seen plenty of people around you with a bad back as soon as they hit 40 or have unsightly teeth, these are definitely people who have not prioritized those basics.
Figure Out Your Biological Age
It is something that can be a massive shock to the system, especially for a biological age older than we really are! But determining your biological age shouldn’t be a hard and fast rule as to whether you’re going to be sick as a dog by the time you turn 35, but instead, you should look at what it takes to keep your biological age down. Improving your biological age comes down to a number of simple practices, such as having a good diet, exercising, and reducing your exposure to toxins. You can find a number of biological calculators online to get you started, but rather than worrying about the results, use this as an opportunity to make those simple health changes.
Get Regular Blood Tests
Going to the doctor for some blood tests every year is a simple approach that can ensure you stay on top of your key markers. There is a lot to unpack when it comes to being healthy, and blood results can be a great way to ensure that you are going in the right direction. Because people are now becoming more concerned with the impacts of processed foods and are worried they’re not exercising enough, it can be easy to have an unhealthy obsession with health. But it’s also important that, in addition to getting blood tests, you prioritize feeling calm. Stress is something that can age us. Therefore, if you are looking to get a baseline level of health, you should also try to make life easier for yourself where you can.