If you’ve been watching Bravo’s “Launch My Line” this season, you already know that Native Rose – the line from the show’s winning designer – is being sold on Rue La La. Right now! The boutique is open for a short time but it features some amazing pieces, like the stunning yellow dress at left (also available in black).
I’m in love with the gorgeous fabrics, eye-catching colors, and body conscious silhouettes. I highly recommend checking out the merchandise!
If you’re not already a member of Rue La La, joining is simple. Just click this link!
I looved her pieces form day 1. Her backless jumpers and draping had the sophistication to transfer to sexy adulthood as well as the flash and sex appeal to entice any young fan! BUTTT has RueLaLa are stopped their boutique on her? If so WHERE or WHERE can I get that jumpsuit and some of her backless pieces!!! (The black with the zebra/red in the words or Mrs. Zoe “I DIE”)