Your bun in the oven needs a blanket. Nearly 3.75 million babies were born in the United States in 2019.
Each and every baby is different. This makes finding the right baby clothing very difficult. When you are preparing to find clothes for your little one, you need to navigate through baby clothing sizes.
What are the different sizes you might see in a store? What do you have to be mindful of when examining sizing systems? What are some tips you should follow for buying baby clothing?
Answer these questions and you can find the perfect clothes for your new baby. Here is your quick guide.
Age Sizing
Age sizing is the most common baby clothing sizing system you will find. If you notice something like “3M” on a piece of baby clothing, it is using age sizing. “M” refers to months, so a shirt with “3M” is for a three-month-old baby.
The system is based on averages. Some companies like Burt’s Bees specialize in clothing for babies who do not fit the average. Their clothing may run longer or shorter than the average.
It is likely that your baby will not fit perfectly. You should take a look at clothing from different ages and figure out what would work best. Shop in person so you can get a good look at the clothing.
Weight Sizing
Some types of baby clothing center around weight. There is no uniform weight sizing system that all clothing companies follow.
In general, a piece of clothing marked P is for children who weigh up to five pounds. NB works for a baby between five and eight pounds. Most companies then have a series of tiers, with each tier covering two to four pounds.
Make sure you know how to find your baby’s size. You should weigh them and monitor their weight over time. You may not have to buy new clothes, but you should tailor them to reflect their current dimensions.

Length Sizing
A few companies offer length sizing. They will tell you how long their pieces of clothing are, especially onesies and pants. This is good if you have a baby that is getting tall quickly.
The company may tell you about the width of its clothes. But width is less emphasized than length, which can pose a problem for skinnier babies.
You can get clothing that is slightly longer than your baby’s height so your baby can grow into it. But don’t get clothes that are too big, or your baby may overheat.
European Sizing
European clothes have their own sizing system. If you look at a tag, it may show a number with no other details. This number refers to the length of the clothes in centimeters.
You should convert the number to inches so you have an accurate understanding of the length. You may also be able to find a guide that does the conversion for you.
In general, a piece of clothing at size 60 works for a baby that is a few months old. When your baby turns one, they could probably fit into clothing at size 70.
Newborn Sizing
Baby clothing is always difficult, but sizing for newborns is especially tricky. A newborn can be of any height and weight, which makes it hard to guess what clothes they will need. You cannot know what size your newborn will be until your baby is born.
Some companies specialize in newborn baby clothes. You can buy clothes reserved for newborns, but you should err on the side of caution and get slightly larger clothes. This will cover you in case your newborn is larger, and it helps you shop for clothes in the future.
If your baby may be premature, you can get clothes for premature babies. Many companies call these clothes “preemie clothes.” They contain softer fabrics, which will prevent chafing.

Buying Tips
When in doubt, buy bigger clothes. Your baby will grow into them. Smaller clothes can be uncomfortable and restrict your baby’s movements.
Onesies are versatile clothes that keep your baby warm. They may be cheaper to buy than shirts and pants. Buy a few different onesies and let your child try them out.
You will need numerous sets of clothes because your baby may get them dirty. A half dozen shirts, onesies, and sets of pajamas should cover most days.
If you live in a cold climate, you can get thick pairs of socks and sweaters. You should also get hats and snowsuits.
Buying clothing can be expensive and time-consuming. Start buying clothing a few months in advance of the baby’s birth. You can ask friends and family to help you search for clothing or cover your expenses.
Make sure you learn how to buy baby clothes. Talk to different clothing companies about how you can afford the clothes. You can also read a baby clothing shopping guide online and talk to parents about what they did.
The Essentials of Baby Clothing Sizes
Baby clothing sizes are not immediately apparent. Age sizing is common. Yet the system is based on averages, which are not always accurate.
Weight and length sizing may be more accurate for your child. But your baby may grow out of the clothes quickly. European sizing is another length-based system.
If you are confused, buy clothes that are larger than your baby’s dimensions. Buy several sets of clothes in case your child gets their current set dirty.
Clothes are one thing you must get for your baby. Read more baby care guides by following our coverage.