If you’re like most, the idea of working out at the gym in front of complete strangers is less than appealing. Or, you might feel that running on the treadmill isn’t an ideal way for you to get fit, and if you’re not enjoying your workout, you’re less likely to have the motivation to go in the first place. Getting fit doesn’t have to be all sweat and tears though! With the right environment, you could find exercise to be restorative and exciting. You should also consider the options for workout wear before you start actually working out – The Good Feet Store reviews can help you when it comes to shoes. You don’t have to be an activewear gym buff; not when you can dance, skip or walk your way fit. The right clothing can make you sweat less, the right footwear can help you to avoid any joint pain!
Exercise is anything that gets your body moving and your heart rate elevated. So, if that means you’re walking to the shops rather than driving, you’re exercising! In fact, you can get the body you want without ever having to leave your home. Let’s take a look at how you can use your home to tone up and get fit.

Build a home gym
Just because you don’t like the idea of going to a gym, it doesn’t mean you can’t workout with equipment at home. Even if you don’t have a lot of space, you can probably find somewhere in your home to hold freestanding gym storage for barbells, dumbbells and kettlebells – even if it means putting it in the garage and bringing the equipment inside when you want to use it.
Working out at home doesn’t have to be boring either because you have full control and access to the music that’s played, or even what you put on the TV to keep you motivated. Whether it’s catching up on your favourite soaps or working out to a fitness video, you’ll be able to fit in exercise no matter what.
There are also walking pads that you can buy, which work the same as a treadmill but are much more collapsable and convenient for those with little space. In fact, there are lots of home gym solutions out there now that are designed for people that want to have a home gym without needing lots of space for equipment.
Make use of any stairs you have
Why spend the time, effort and money on heading to the gym to use the stepping machine if you have stairs in your home? Walking, jogging, or even running up and down your stairs a few times a day will give you, your thighs and your butt an incredible workout. If you do decide to buy some dumbbells, you can use them to maximise the workout you’re giving yourself too.
Stairs aren’t just good for running up and down either, you can use them for other workouts like press ups or arm raises. You can use most of your muscles simply by working out on the stairs – just make sure the coast is clear and that you’re taking precautions to avoid any injuries.
Finally, if you’re looking to become a little more flexible, you can use your stairs to help stretch out your muscles before and after working out. Remember, the warm up and cool down are just as important as the exercise itself!
Use your furniture to help you workout
Your furniture can also be used to help with workouts too! Here are some at-home workouts you could use your furniture for:
- Use gaps underneath sofas and chairs to tuck your feet under to help do sit ups. Add a twist and meet the opposite elbow to the opposite knee to make your workout more effective.
- Use furniture that you move regularly to lift and build up leg, arm, stomach and back muscle. Just be sure not to hurt yourself and always use correct lifting techniques when working out
- Use any sitting furniture like ottomans, chairs, sofas or even dining chairs to do some chair dips and other exercises.
- Perform yoga poses on your bed to help build up your core muscles. Unstable or softer surfaces means you’ll be working your core to keep your balance, and it can be a very effective workout.
So as you can see, if you can’t afford home equipment at the moment, you can still get an effective workout using what you already have!
Do some home improvements
Another great way to get your heart pumping and fit in some exercise without even realising it is by doing some home improvements. If you’ve been putting off odd jobs around your home, now is the time to get working on them! Whether that means mowing your lawn at a faster pace, or whether you’re restuffing your sofa cushions to give it more bounce, you could give yourself an incredible workout. Here are some other ideas where you could incorporate some exercise while doing home improvements:
- Digging in your garden will work your upper body more than you think! It doesn’t matter whether you’re planting or digging up dead plants, put some effort in to see results!
- Chopping wood from a tree you’ve cut down is a great full body workout, with a massive gain for upper body strength.
- Clearing your gutters and checking your roof for any damage requires you to climb a ladder, which will work your core, legs, arms and butt without even realising it.
- Fix that furniture that’s been sitting in the garage for a while.
- Give your home a fresh lick of paint to get the job out of the way and also raise your heart rate.

Workout and clean
Working out and cleaning are among the top two hated things in most households, so why not kill two birds with one stone? Cut out the need to make time for working out and cleaning by combining the two! Here are some ideas to get your heart pumping while doing household chores:
- Dance around with the vacuum cleaner to some music, or pick up the pace to have your vacuuming done and a quick workout in no time.
- Do squats and other leg exercises when you’re washing dirty dishes to make the most of the time you’re standing still.
- Turn up the music and throw some shapes while you’re dusting your home.
- Clear out your loft to make yourself some extra money and put in a little effort while you’re doing it to get your heart rate up!
- Taking the bins out will help bring your step count up and if you pick up the pace, you can raise your heart beat!
Any kind of cleaning or clearing things from your home can be turned into a mini workout if you do things a little bit faster. Of course, lifting heavy items will mean you need to exercise some caution. While it’s not a full workout doing little jobs like these, it does give you an opportunity to burn some extra calories and use muscles you wouldn’t normally be using!
Have some fun!
Finally, whoever said that working out has to be all serious is wrong. As mentioned throughout this post, working out is anything that gets your heart rate up and makes you feel slightly out of breath. So, instead of worrying about getting a workout in, have some fun! If you’ve got a Wii or any video games that require you to be active, get some friends around for a catch up, a giggle, and some fun on Wii sports. Or, if going out with friends is more your scene, go out on the town and dance the night away. You can workout and still have fun, so get creative and sneak one in wherever possible.
While going to the gym is a great way to stay fit and healthy, it’s all perfectly possible from the comfort of your own home!