That’s right, we’re giving away Softsoap® BRAND Liquid Hand Soap to 25 lucky readers of any Fashionable Media blog! Doesn’t matter whether you like The Fashionable Housewife, The Fashionable Gal, The Fashionable Bambino, or if you like all three! You are eligible to win!

Why A Softsoap Giveaway?
Because it’s hard to be fashionable when you’re under the weather. I know! I was sick for almost 4 weeks and it was probably because I forgot to wash my hands when I came back from after grocery shopping.
Keep yourself healthy by practicing good habits – and show your kids how to properly clean their hands by using warm soapy water, scrubbing hand surfaces and nails for 20 seconds, rinsing well and drying with a clean towel. Remember that germs can linger under rings – so scrub under that bling, too!
Be a trend-setter in your own home. Help combat the spread of germs by building daily hand washing routines among your family and empowering your children to become “germ fighters.†This is so important, especially in the world we live in today. You never know what you are going to encounter when you leave the house… Swine Flu anyone?
Wash Hands BEFORE
* Eating or preparing food * Playing with video games * Using the family computer * Grabbing the TV remote control * Setting the table for a meal * Tending to someone who is sick * Treating a cut or any kind of open wound on yourself or someone else |
Wash Hands AFTER:
* Using the restroom * Coming home from a public place * Eating in a restaurant, cafeteria etc * Handling a backpack or lunchbox * Touching money * Walking or playing with companion pets * Reading public materials, such as library books, menus, etc |
And remember that if soap and water are not available, use alcohol-based gel to clean hands. It’s always good to carry a bottle of hand sanitizer with you at all times!
Follow @LatherUp on Twitter and visit for more ways to keep your family healthier.

Wanna Win?
All you have to do is:
1) Follow @LatherUp and @thehousewife on Twitter
2) RT a hand-washing fact by @LatherUp OR send a hand-washing tip to @LatherUp
3) Then RT this contest by copy and pasting the following: Please RT! @thehousewife is having a huge Softsoap® Liquid Hand Soap Giveaway! 25 Winners! Enter before midnight!
When you’ve done all three, click here to leave a comment on The Fashionable Housewife to let us know, and you’ll be entered to win!
You have until midnight tonight (6/22/2009) to enter this contest!